Hiru TV.

There are 2 indicators that investors in the world look at. That means we are in 99th place when looking at the best countries to do business. That means we must come after passing 98 other countries. Also, we are in 165th place when we go to the court process when any problem arises regarding an agreement. Therefore, a new method should be introduced to get the investor.

Neth FM

This is completely affected by Sri Lankan law, criminal law, and common law. Even now you may know that we have Arbitration Act No. 11 of 1995. Then, when two parties reach an agreement regarding a commercial agreement that they agree to, they can resolve it through arbitration without going to court, even if it is the law of the land.

Derana TV

This country cannot be built with voice cuts alone. When looking at the best countries to do business, we are in 99th place. Investors must pass 98 other countries and come to us. We are in the 165th place out of 180 countries when it comes to legal proceedings when any problem arises regarding the agreement.

Government TV Channel

According to Section 9 of the Act, if the land is ours, if the rights are ours, the general law of the land will apply. If it is subject to the constitution and if the problems should be resolved by courts of law how can this country happen to be someone else? This is not an opportunity to feign fear. This is the turning point in the development of our country. This turning point is indeed an occasion we should celebrate.