Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Body mass index (BMI) of 18.5 kg/m2 - 29.9 kg/m2

Normal fasting blood glucose (FBG) 3.9 to <5.6 mmol/L (70 to <100 mg/dL)

HbA1c of 4% to <5.7%

A habit of regularly consuming 3 main meals/day, with breakfast and lunch as dominant meals

Familiarity with components of the study meals

No disliking and/or extreme preferences for any of the items

Readiness to comply with study procedures (adhering to the defined restrictions prior to and procedures on the test days, maintaining the habitual level of physical activity and sleep habits during the study, and filling out the study diary)

Stable body weight in the last 3 months prior to visit 1 (V1) (≤3% self-reported change)

Stable concomitant medications (if any) for at least last 3 months prior to V1

Commitment to use contraception methods and a negative pregnancy testing (beta human chorionic gonadotropin test in urine) at V1 (women of childbearing potential)

No participation in another clinical study during this study

Known allergy or hypersensitivity to the components of the investigational product or study meals

A history and/or presence of clinically significant self-reported disorders as per investigator’s judgement

Difficult vein access or sensitivity to blood draws

A habit of nighttime eating or snacking (after 10 pm)

A habit of excessive consumption of artificial sweeteners (e.g. in beverages)

A history and/or presence of eating disorders like bulimia, anorexia nervosa, binge-eating as per investigator’s judgement

Use of treatment or supplementation in the last 2 months prior to V1 and during the study, as per investigator’s judgment, that could influence gastrointestinal functions, body weight, blood glucose levels or otherwise interfere with study conduct or evaluation

Deviation of safety laboratory parameter(s) at V1, unless the deviation is justified by a previously known but not clinically relevant condition (e.g. Gilbert’s syndrome)

Diets or weight loss programs within the last 3 months prior to V1 and during the study

Recent blood donation within the last 1 month prior to study

A habit of smoking within the last 6 months prior to V1 and during the study

A vegetarian, vegan or other restrictive diet

Night shift work

A history or current abuse of alcohol, drug and/or medication

Pregnant or nursing women of childbearing potential

Inability to comply with study procedures

Participation in another study during the last 30 days prior to V1

Any other reason deemed suitable for exclusion, per investigator’s judgment.