


Cost expenditures

Interest expenses + non-interest expense

Variables thought to constitute the distribution cost structure of banks and cost residuals.


Loans and advances

Comprise major types of loans the commercial banks grants such as commercial loans, consumer loans, Agric production loans, etc.

Transaction and liquidity services

Proxied by volume of deposits

Comprises deposits volumes received by the commercial banks from customers and other banks.

Fee based service

Proxied by net fee income

Comprises commission received from trading activities less commission paid on trading activities.

Prices of factors of production

Proxied by staff cost + cost of borrowed fund + cost of plant and equipment

Staff cost comprise wages and other benefit. Cost of borrowed fund is proxied by ratio of interest expenses to total deposits. Cost of plant and equipment comprise purchase of tangible and intangible assets less any realization from the sale of plant and equipment in the same financial year.

Banks risk exposures

Proxied by risk-weighted assets

Total risk weighted assets calibrated by the respective commercial banks in the computation of their capital adequacy ratio.

Market and regulatory environment

Proxied by changes in equity capital

This indicates the state or condition in which the commercial banks operate.