Category | Category name | Category description |
1 | Settlement and other open land | Scattered, mainly semi-permanent housing structures made of mud and with thatch roofs, associated with bare soils covered by scattered patches of dry grass |
2 | Scattered croplands | Cultivated areas planted with various crops like maize, but widely spaced with no clear pattern |
3 | Grassland with scattered croplands | Naturally mixed herbaceous vegetation and grass. The vegetation is dense and high, although scattered farming and extensive grazing takes place |
4 | Open bushland | Areas covered by shrubs and grass; in extended dry season, farming and grazing may take place |
5 | Seasonally inundated grassland | Transitional area between permanent swamp and open bushland usually covered with wetland vegetation species like cyperus. Normally floods in wet season |
6 | Perennial swamp | Permanently flooded swamp |