Formation age | Type of rocks | Thickness (m) | Main hydraulic characteristics | General consideration |
Paleocene Eocene | Chalk marls | 0 - 60 m | Medium aquifer | Only to the NW of Irbed City |
Maastrichtian Paleocene | Bituminous marl | 200 - 300 m | Aquitard, confining layers | |
Campanian Maastrichtian | Silicified limestone overlain by beds of phosphatic chert | Around 70 m | Excellent aquifer | Main water aquifer |
Turonian | Marl lenses | 0 - 20 m | Lenses of an aquiclude | On very small scale of 100 m aquiclude |
Turonian Santonian | Massive sandy limestone | 60 m | Excellent aquifer | Excellent karst aquifer |
Cenomanian | Alternating beds of limestone, dolomite, marly limestone, sandstone, marl and some gypsum layers | Around 300 m | Poorly developed aquifer. In many areas springs issue from the limestone and dolomite beds | In general, poorly developed aquifer with some good yields aquifer layers |
Lower Cretaceous | Coarse, medium and coarse-grained sandstone | 200 m | Good aquifer | Good to excellent |
Jurassic | Sandstone, limestone, dolomite, evaporates | 440 m | Medium to poor aquifer | Containing brackish water |
Triassic | Siltstone, sandstone calcareous sandstone | 660 m | Medium aquifer | Containing brackish water |