



Swelling of the peri-articular soft parts

Increased local density and erasure of some greasy lines

Hypoechogenic synovial thickening, poorly compressible and vascularized in doppler power. The power Doppler allows to grade the increasing activity of this synovitis in stage 1, 2 and 3. In case of hypoechogenic synovial thickening without doppler flow, the term inactive synovitis in doppler power is preferred



Rupture of the bony cortical leaving in place a gap

Net irregularity or interruption of the cortical


Inflammatory involvement of the synovial sheaths of the tendons

Increased local density and erasure of some greasy lines

Liquid effusion, anechogenic within a tendon sheath, hypoechogenic synovial proliferation or a combination of both

Joint pinching


Overall thinning of articular cartilage

Overall thinning of articular cartilage

Joint deformation

Disorganization of joint structure

Disorganization of joint


Disorganization of joint structure

Demineralization in strips


Density anomaly characterized by a disparition of at least 30% of the calcium contained in the bone and translated by a radio-transparency.