Observed Variables

Definition or Encoding


Returns of Labor Market

Annual Income/12 months

K601 What is your total income?

Types of Universities

“211 Project” & overseas colleges and universities = 1;

first-tier universities, second-tier universities, third-tier universities, military universities, arts and sports universities, night universities, correspondence, studio and television universities, online education school, party school and others = 0.

C306 Which school were you studying for your undergraduate degree?


Age data in the CFPS 2010.

A1 What’s your date of birth?

Age Square

Age data in the CFPS 2010.

A1 What’s your date of birth?


Female = 0, Male = 1.

Y1 The interviewer recorded the gender of the interviewee.

Household Registration

Agricultural household = 0, Non-agricultural household = 1.

A402 What is your household registration status at the age of 12?

Cognitive ability

Data in CFPS 2010, 0 - 24 points.

Mathematical module in part X of the questionnaire.

Data in CFPS 2010, 0 - 24 points.

Words module in part X of the questionnaire.

Personality traits

Data in CFPS 2010, 8 - 30 points.

the six question about behavior and mental health in part Q of the questionnaire.

Number of Siblings

Number of Siblings.

B1 How many brothers and sisters do you have?

The Highest Education Levels of Parents

Convert the degree to education years.

B4/D5 Upload names of family members, and the highest degree they completed?

Father’s Occupation

Main codes of father’s occupation (International standards):

[50,000, 70,000] = 0, Production, processing and operating personnels;

[10,000, 20,000] = 1, Unit Leaders;

[20,000, 30,000] = 2, Professionals;

[30,000, 50,000] = 3, Clerks and service people;

[70,000, 9999] = 4, Else.

B5/D6 Upload the name of immediate family living apart and his occupation.

Employment Area

Middle Area = 1; Including Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shanxi, Anhui, Henan, Hubei and Hunan.

East Area = 1; Including Tianjin, Beijing, Hebei, Liaoning, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong and Guangdong.

West Area = 0;

Including Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shannxi, Gansu; Guangxi.

The province the respondents currently live in (source from the CFPS adult database provcd).