Input: All measured data (including radar angle information and attribute information)

Process: 1: Intialize m j k ( t )

2: if m j k ( t ) < 8 then

3: Calculated Δ α , Δ θ according to the pitch-angle and azimuth angle

4: Calculated c p according to parameters of the emitters (such as carrier frequency, pulse width, pulse repetition interval, etc.)

4: Calculated L i according to Δ α , Δ θ , c p

5: if λ * > ε then

6: the track j ( j E 1 ) at time t is associated with the track k ( k E 2 ) ;

m j k ( t + 1 ) = m j k ( t ) + 1 ; return

7: end if

8: end if

Output: The types of partial emitters located on the same ship