Expected results


Objectively verifiable indicators

Sources and means of verification

1. Smallholder farmers in the Menoua division are trained on the techniques of production and propagation of bamboo

1.1. Organization of training workshops for smallholder farmers on bamboo propagation techniques;

1.2. Sensitization of farmers on Agroforestry techniques using bamboo.

1.3. Supply of seedlings in sufficient quantities to farmers.

1.1.1. Professionalism in the performance of tasks by farmers;

1.1.2. Increase of bamboo nurseries and plantations within the division.

- Report on training and sensitization of direct actors involved in bamboo production;

- Direct observations in the field

2. Bamboo processing techniques are more advanced and mastered by Menoua craftsmen

2.1. Sensitization of the craftsmen on the benefits and advantages of the transformation of bamboo;

2.2. Organisation of training workshops for the said craftsmen on the techniques of transforming bamboo into various valuable products.

2.3. Supply of branded bamboo processing materials and equipment to the craftsmen.

2.1.1. Multiplication of bamboo-based craft sectors in the division and its environs;

2.2.1. More advanced and modern processing techniques of bamboo.

- Activity reports;

- Direct observations in the field

3. The flow of products from the processing of bamboo is strengthened and multiplied.

3.1. Organisation of awareness campaigns for the population of Menoua and its environs on the advantages of using bamboo products;

3.2. Bring more tourists to the division and encourage them to visit the bamboo-based craft sector.

3.1.1. Increase the demand for bamboo products by local and foreign consumers.

- Activity reports;

- Direct observations in the field.