

Year of entry into service, size, specification, nature and ancillary facilities

Ya’an City

Football Association

City sports center Lujiaba Sports Park Yucheng Sixiao Guanghua campus

2016, 7-person system, artificial grass, light, rented, equipped with theory classrooms

By 2020, seven-person system, artificial grass, lighting, co-construction, and theory classrooms

In 2018, eight-person system, artificial grass, no lighting, cooperative training, equipped with theory classrooms

The Royal Belies

The club

Yucai Road campus Taiping experimental primary School

2015, 8-person system, artificial grass, light, rented, equipped with theory classrooms

In 2014, five-person system, artificial grass, no lighting, cooperative training, equipped with theory classrooms

Sports school

Yucheng four small Xinhua campus

In 2017, eight-person system, artificial grass, no lighting, cooperative training, equipped with theory classrooms

Campus football

Ya’an No. 2 Middle School

In 2016, 8-person system, artificial grass, lighting, self-built, equipped with theory classrooms