Management direction

Type of measure

Specific requirements

Responding to capital inflows


Restrictions on residents borrowing from non-residents

Restricting foreign exchange derivatives positions

Restricting banks’ foreign currency deposit and loan ratios

Limiting the proportion of banks’ short-term external debt


Taxation of funds invested in securities, margin deposits and derivatives

Taxation of interest earned on treasury bills held by non-residents

Taxation of non-deposit foreign currency denominated liabilities of banks

Holding period requirements

Setting a minimum holding period for non-residents to invest in domestic financial assets

Reserve requirements

Borrowing by residents from non-residents is subject to a reserve

Foreign exchange deposits are subject to a reserve

Foreign exchange derivatives transactions are subject to a reserve

Responding to capital outflows


Restrictions on the holding of offshore assets by residents

Restrictions on the withdrawal of foreign currency notes from banks in cash

Restrictions on non-payable foreign exchange derivative transactions

Restrictions on the use of payment cards denominated in foreign currency abroad

Limiting the daily foreign exchange purchase position of banks

Restrictions on individuals’ access to non-trade related international non-resident financing in local currency


Tax on foreign exchange purchased by banks

Introduction of a new tax on transfer of earnings

Prohibition/licensing requirements

Resident loans to non-residents are permitted or prohibited

Early repayment of non-resident loans is permitted or prohibited

Permission to transfer dividends abroad

Conversion and transfer of foreign monetary assets subject to licensing or prohibition

Reserve requirements

For foreign exchange forward contracts and related derivative transactions

Compulsory repatriation claims

Requiring residents to repatriate export earnings or investment income released outside the country within a certain period of time

Holding period requirements

Setting a minimum holding period for transfers of domestic financial assets by non-residents

Creation of a waiting period for gains on non-resident transfers of domestic securities


Overseas dividends, interest, payments need to be in foreign currency

No additional foreign exchange can be purchased for external payments when own foreign exchange is available