Factor No.




Institutional Engagement (5 items)

1) If a friend of mine is considering joining this institute, I will encourage him/her to do so.

2) The goals and values of this institute are in harmony with my own goals and values.

3) I feel a sense of pride when I introduce myself to a stranger as a student of this institute.

4) Based on my experience as a student here, I feel that my decision to join this institute was correct.

5) In my overall assessment, this is one of the best business schools in India.


Diligence (3 items)

1) It is my habit to take notes during the class.

2) I make sure that my class assignments are completed before the deadline.

3) I keep my course materials well organized.



1) I find it difficult to detach myself from my studies.

2) Most of the time I am immersed in my studies.

3) I feel excited when I am absorbed in my studies


Dedication (3 items)

1) When I am working on my studies, I feel bursting with energy.

2) Most of the time I feel enthusiastic about my studies.

3) I feel proud of my studies.



Participation (3 items)

1) I often ask questions in the class.

2) I enjoy making presentations in the class.

3) I actively participate in class discussions.

Cronbach’s alpha: overall reliability of the scale = 0.842



Personal factors (Self-efficacy & Locus of Control)

1) Self-Efficacy Scale— [52] , Schwarzer and Jerusalem (1995)—10 items

2) Locus of Control— [53] Rotter Scale (1971)—10 items

Situational factors, [15]

1) Faculty Support; 2) Academic Facilities; 3) Administrative Staff Support; 4) Peer Group (5 items each making a total of 20 items)