Basic condition

Male, 37 years old, married, from Guangzhou, Guangdong province, a company employee


General contact (colleague to colleague), his colleague had no obvious symptoms of fever, and patient’s wife presented with cough on the same day

Specialized examination

T, 37.3˚C; P, 104 times/min; R, 18 times/min; and BP, 131/65mmHg; sanity, answered to the point; pharyngeal hyperaemia; slightly thick breath sounds in both lungs; no obvious dry and wet rales.

Results of blood test: WBC, 4.59 × 109/L; PLT, 136 × 109/L; NEUT, 0.687; LYMPH, and 1 × 109/L. Mp-ag and rsv-ag were negative and influenza antigen a/b was also negative.

Thoracic CT: Double pulmonary infectious lesions and viral pneumonia for row were found.

Clinical signs and symptoms

Fever and cough for 4 days


1) Anti-infection and antiviral therapy: moxifloxacin hydrochloride, taxepoxil, schupen; Abidor, Kridge, interferon A-2B atomized inhalation.

2) Symptomatic and supportive treatment: gamma globulin to improve immunity, mucosolvan, asmei to relieve cough and expectum, and alprazolam to fight anxiety.

3) TCM treatment: TCM experts consult and guide the TCM treatment of pneumonia, such as cold-tea and granules of Lianhua Qingwen.

4) Psychological counseling: Consult psychological specialists, try to meet the reasonable requirements of the patients, and ask the community to help solve family problems.