| N | (%) |
Referrals |
Newly referred | 6 | (2.7) |
Chemotherapy | 46 | (20.4) |
Specific problems | 37 | (16.4) |
Routine follow-up | 99 | (43.8) |
Acute patient | 1 | (0.4) |
Unknowna | 37 | (16.4) |
Preferred content of information detail |
Thorough and detailed information | 91 | (40.3) |
Overall information | 45 | (19.9) |
Practical information | 78 | (34.5) |
Unknown | 12 | (5.3) |
Previous consultations with the oncologist |
This is the first time | 116 | (51.3) |
3 times or less | 61 | (27.0) |
More than 3 times | 19 | (8.4) |
I always see this oncologist | 11 | (4.9) |
Unknown | 19 | (8.4) |
Duration of consultation |
Less than 10 min | 84 | (37.2) |
10 - 20 min | 72 | (31.9) |
20 - 30 min | 41 | (18.1) |
More than 30 min | 11 | (4.9) |
Unknown | 18 | (8.0) |
Relative present at the consultation |
Yes | 132 | (58.4) |
No | 77 | (34.1) |
Unknown | 17 | (7.5) |
Current emotional distress | Mean (%) | SD | (Range) |
Before consultation (POMS-11) | 9.8 | 8.2 | (0 - 44) |
After consultation (POMS-11) | 6.7 | 6.9 | (0 - 44) |
Perceived patient-centered communication |
Perceived patient-centeredness (PPRI) | 74.2 | 9.3 | (12 - 84) |
Perceived importance of patient-centeredness (PPRI-I) | 54.1 | 5.6 | (12 - 60) |
Satisfaction |
Maximally satisfied with information (ISQ) | (46.5) |
Less than maximally satisfied with information (ISQ) | (44.7) |
The oncologists handling of medical aspects | 6.5 | 0.9 | (1 - 7) |
Personal contact with the oncologist | 6.4 | 0.9 | (1 - 7) |