
Average (SD)/n (%)

Newborn live at birth

28 (77.78)

Alive babies discharged

26 (72.22)

Weight at birth (grams)

1878.06 ± 1049.04

Apgar score in 1 minute < 5

14 (38.89)

Apgar score in 5 minutes < 5

14 (38.89)

Bethamethasone, stimulating lung maturation

22 (62.89)

Admission at neonatal department

17 (47.22)

Length of time in neonatal department (Median, days)

4 (0 - 36)

Admission NICU

15 (41.67)

Length of time in NICU (Median, days)

11 (0 - 58)

Tracheal surfactant pump

4 (11.6)