Domain | Variable name | Description |
Education | AttendingSchool | People 6 - 15 years old school in the 6 - 15 years old population |
NoDiplomas | People with no diploma (and no studying) in the 15 years old and more population | |
BasicGeneralQualifications | People with basic or intermediate general or vocation qualifications (and not studying) in the 15 years old and more population | |
GeneralCertificates | People with general or vocational maturity certificates (and not studying) in the 15 years old and more population | |
LowerTertiaryEducation | People with at least a lower tertiary education (and not studying) in the 15 years old and more population | |
HigherEducationalDegree | People with a higher educational degree (and not studying) in the 15 years old and more population | |
Students | Student in the 15 years old and more population | |
Housing | IndividualHouse | Individual houses in the main residences |
MultipleDweelingUnit | Multiple dwelling units in the main residences | |
NonOwner | Non-Owner-occupied in the main residences | |
SubsidizedHousing | Subsidized housing in the main residences | |
BuildBefore1968 | Main residences built before 1968 | |
BuildAfter1990 | Main residences built after 1990 | |
Less40m2 | Main residences less than 40 m2 | |
Larger150m2 | Main residences larger than 150 m2 | |
ParkingSpace | Main residences with a parking space (garage or other) | |
WithoutCar | Households without a car | |
TwoOrMoreCars | Households with 2 or more cars |