Domain | Variable name | Description |
BG type | Type | Census block group type (H: housing; A: activity; D: miscellaneous; Z: one BG municipality)c |
Family and Household
| UnderAge25 | people under the age of 25 in the total population |
OverAge65 | people over the age of 65 in the total population | |
SingleParentFamilies | Single-Parent families in the total population | |
HouseHolderAlone | Householders living alone in the total population | |
Immigration | ForeignForce | People in the labor force in the total population |
Employment and Income
| LabourForce | People in Labor Force in the total populationa |
MenLabourForce | Men in labour Force in the male populationa | |
WomenLabourForce | Women in labour Force in the female populationa | |
UnemploymentTotal | Unemployment people in the labor forceb | |
UnemploymentForeigners | Unemployment Foreigners in the labor forceb | |
UnemploymentAge1524 | Unemployment people in the 15 - 24 years old labor forceb | |
UnemploymentOverAge50 | Over 50 years old unemployment people in the labor forceb | |
UnemploymentMen | Unemployment people in the male labor forceb | |
UnemploymentWomen | Unemployment people in the female labor forceb | |
UnemploymentMore year | People unemployed for more than 1 year in the labor forceb | |
SelfEmployed | Self-employed (independent workers, employers, etc.) in the labor force | |
InsecureJobs | People with unstable jobs in the labor force | |
SteadyJobs | People with steady jobs in the labor force | |
MedianIncome | Median income per consumption unit (in euros per year)c |