Basic research

Applied research

Experimental development

Examining the motivations for rural to urban migration

Investigating the socio-economic forces resulting in rural-urban migration in order to come up with programmes to halt the rural labor drain

Development and testing of a programme of financial assistance and expansion of services to rural communities to prevent rural migration to large cities

Study of the role of technology in reorienting work, school and home lives of urban dwellers

Study of the role of technology in reorienting work, school and home lives of urban dwellers in order to develop remedies for physical health and fitness

Development and testing of equipment and programmes to stimulate physical fitness and reduce obesity cases among urban dwellers in the wake of technology dependent living

Study of the composition and structure of the family in different civilizations past and present

Study of the composition and structure of past American or African families and how this helped maintain social order so as to recommend remedies for current and future urban social decadence

Develop and test of policies and programmes on parenting models that can help maintain a standard family structure in urban households so all children get motherly and fatherly guidance and mentorship

A study of the origin, cause and impact of urban solid waste management

An examination of the impacts of poor urban solid waste management on flush flooding risks so as to develop remedies and built urban flood resilience

Development and testing of urban street vending and solid waste management infrastructure that can be used to reduce, reuse, collect and recycle solid wastes efficiently