Action/Policy Idea: Renters

Target Population/Institution



Demand Side

Chapter 3 of Blanco et al., 2014

Blanco et al., 2014

Rent controls (1)

Govt institutions; NGOs & mediation agencies; landlords; tenants living in rent controlled accommodation

Where renters are occupying properties that enjoy outdated and grossly uneconomic rents promote incentives to “buy out” or to flip to an economic rent (rent to own); balloon payment by landlord (incentive) to flip to economic rent etc.

Blanco et al., 2013

Gilbert, 2003

Rent controls (2)

Renters primarily

At contract, guarantee permitted levels of rental periodic rent increases.

Blanco et al., 2013

Gilbert, (2012b)

Gilbert, 2003

Complementary demand

side incentives (1)

Institutions to Renters

Redirect rental subsidies to those most in

need and prioritized: elderly female headed households; students etc.

Blanco et al., 2013

Complementary demand side incentives (2)

Institutions and programs like Section 8 (USA)

Subsidy/vouchers that cover the difference

between a % of household income (30%)

and the market rent in the area

Blanco et al., 2013

Gilbert, 2003

Vouchers (3)


Vouchers to encourage/support renting

Blanco et al., 2013

Complementary demand side incentives (4)

Government policy and fiscal institutions:

Balance tax and renting policies between ownership and renting incentives

(problem is that ownership heavily favored)

Blanco et al., 2013

Gilbert, 2003

Grants and subsidies

Informal settlement owners and sharers with long term aspirations to remain on lot

Financial support tied to expanding and/or improving quality dwelling units on or off site. Maybe loans that are forgiven; or low interest subsidies. Aim is to “regularize” sharing opportunities, and improve quality of accommodations especially for 2nd and 3rd units.

Ensure that subsidies do not threaten to escalate rents (rent hikes, etc);

Blanco et al., 2013

Jimenez & Camargo, 2015

Increase Security of

tenancy arrangements

Renters and Landlords

Incentivize demand. Promote contracts that recognize rights and obligations between the parties, and which provide appropriate security and guarantees to both parties

Blanco et al., 2013

Gilbert, 2003

Improve understanding and

policies that recognize and respond to the segmented nature of the rental market in both formal and informal sectors

Renters low income

Short term renters moderate income;


Migrant workers

Elderly (singletons and couples);

Disabled or health challenged;

The goal here is to increase the supply of housing to meet the often-unrecognized

demand from specific groups, many of whom only want short term (often small) rental

housing, either by virtue of work; or because

they are moving up the ladder to ownership or family size formal renting.

Blanco et al., 2013

Jimenez and Camargo, 2015