S/No | Variable | Variable definition | Coding |
Main outcome variable | |||
1 | Still birth | Death of fetus after 28 weeks gestation (or seven months and above) | Died (1); live birth (0) |
Main explanatory variables | |||
2 | Maternal age | Maternal age at the time of interview | Numerical values in years |
3 | Maternal education | Highest level of formal education attained by mother | None (0); primary (1); secondary (2); tertiary (3) |
4 | Ethnicity | Ethnic affiliation of the respondent | Hausa (1); Yoruba (2); Igbo (3); Fulani (4); Others (5) |
5 | Place of residence | Place of residence either rural or urban | Urban (1); rural (2) |
6 | Household wealth index | Measure of household wealth in quintiles | Poor (1); middle (2): rich (3) |
7 | Religion | Religious affiliation of mother | Christianity (1); Islam (2) Traditional/Others (3) |
8 | Region of residence | Geopolitical zone of residence | South (1); North (2) |
9 | Birth weight | Birth in kilograms (for facility deliveries) | <2.5 Kg (1); 2.5 - 4.5 Kg (2); >4.5 (3) |
10 | Complications | Informed of pregnancy complications | None (0); Yes (1) |
11 | Birth order | Birth order of children born | First; second; third; fourth; fifth and sixth and more |
12 | Pregnancy desire | If the last pregnancy was desired | Wanted (1); Mistimed (2); Unwanted (3) |
13 | Place of delivery | Place where delivery took place | Home (0); Health facility (1) |
14 | Type of energy source | Source of energy for household use | Solid (1); Non-solid fuels (0) |
15 | Obesity | Measure of body fastness using body mass index (BMI) | Underweight (1); Normal (2); Obese (3) |
16 | Delivery mode | How fetus was delivered | Normal (0); Caesarean section (1) |
17 | Use of ANC | Number of ANC visits | No ANC use (0); At least one ANC (1) |
18 | Skilled ANC use | If person seen during ANC visit is skilled or not | Skilled ANC (1); None-skilled ANC (0) |