| Barriers to Student Success in Madagascar | a) Identify the effectiveness of education among students enrolled in science and mathematics programs in primary, secondary, and university institutions. | The study found that too many students in one class, limited teaching and learning resources, and teacher communication in high schools and universities were more likely to use French in science education as a hindrance to student achievement. This is very different from students in urban schools and private institutions. |
| Case study: Value-added benefit of distance-based instructional coaching on science teachers’ inquiry instruction in rural schools. | This study was conducted to study the effectiveness of rural teacher professional development with Distance-based instructional coaching (DBIC) in terms of self-efficacy, and classroom practice of a guided science inquiry instructional approach. | The findings show that the effectiveness of the processes and technologies used for Distance-based instructional coaching (DBIC) in the professional development (PD) of teachers in rural schools have been successful in improving science education programs among teachers, providing support and guidance to teachers and assisting teachers in terms of PD planning. The program will help rural teachers further strengthen their teaching and learning processes in delivering quality and equitable science education to meet the concept of equity for rural students. |
| From contextual frustrations to classroom transformations: female empowerment through science education in rural South Africa. | The objectives of this research project are to explore and develop sustainable ways to empower women to study science education in rural schools in South Africa. | The findings of the study show that community cooperation towards transforming classrooms in a rural school can enhance the involvement of women in science education. This will meet the demands of an equity concept that seeks quality, fair and equitable science education regardless of geographical, gender and socioeconomic status. |
| Rural school math and science teachers’ technology integration familiarization | a) This research explores the importance of integrating technology and Professional Development (PD) to rural secondary school teachers b) Identify opportunities for technology skills for rural secondary schools in science and mathematics learning Africa. | a) The survey results show that there is a need for the PD to familiarize rural teachers with the latest educational technology. b) The findings also show that teachers want to use ICT equipment in the context of the lack of ICT equipment in their schools. c) Findings also indicate that teachers in rural schools lack knowledge and exposure to the use of today’s ICT equipment. |
| Inquiry-based instruction, students’attitudes, and teachers’ support towards science achievement in rural primary schools | The purpose of this study is to seek the relationship between inquiry-based instruction, students’ attitudes toward science and teachers’ support towards science achievement. It also looks at the gender differences in science achievement. | The regression results revealed that all three independent variables, namely inquiry-based instruction, students’ attitudes toward science and teachers’ support significantly influence science achievement among year five students. |