S/N | Question Items | Mean | Decision |
1 | The effective communication style adopted by library leadership promotes librarians participate in administration | 2.98 | Agree |
2 | Librarians are happy with their job because library leadership always fights for their welfare rights | 2.98 | Agree |
3 | Ability of leadership to promote interpersonal relationship with librarians does not create positive work environment | 2.23 | Disagree |
4 | The idea of sharing leadership powers/authority with subordinates help librarians to grow on the job | 2.97 | Agree |
5 | Personal talents are recognized and appreciated by leadership and it makes the librarians to feel happy on their job | 3.10 | Agree |
6 | The idea of allowing librarians some degree of autonomy and creativity on their job does not make them happy | 2.15 | Disagree |