Core indicator

Variable description

Test number

Online shopping product value advantage (VA)

The price is moderate and the cost-effective

Test 17

The consistent degree of products and website propaganda

Test 4

The seller can meet the requirements of customers

Test 6

The consistent degree of Physical products and expectation

Test 5

Online shopping security (0S)

Personal privacy

Test 7

Online payment security

Test 9

the reliability of online shop

Test 8

Logistics and distribution systems (LS)

Timeliness of delivery

Test 14

The speed of the delivery of goods

Test 13

Service attitude of delivery personnel

Test 15

Virtual community interaction (CI)

The rating and evaluation

Test 18

The system recommended

Test 19

Effective communication with the merchant

Test 11

Sales and after-sales service (SS)

Timeliness and quality of return service

Test 12

The convenience of after-sales service system

Test 10

Channels for the customer to reflect the views of the business

Test 16

Loyalty to online shopping

Test 20

Look forward to the next online shopping promotions

Test 21