Land use/covers | Description |
1. Agriculture | Land comprised of cropland and pastureland, orchards, vineyards, nurseries, horticultural areas, sod farms, confined feeding operations, and other agriculture. |
2. Barren Land | Consists beaches, bare exposed rock, rockslides, extractive mining, altered lands, transitional areas (sites under construction) and undifferentiated barren lands. |
3. Forest | Areas characterized by deciduous forest, coniferous forest, and plantation, mixed forest, bushland/shrub land and severe burned upland vegetation. |
4. Urban | Urban areas include residential, commercial and services, industrial and commercial complexes. |
5. Water | Areas characterized by streams and canals, natural lakes, artificial lakes, estuaries & other tidal waters, tidal rivers, inland bays and other tidal waters, open tidal bays, dredged lagoon and Atlantic ocean. |
6. Wetlands | Include coastal wetlands, interior wetlands and severe burned wetlands. |