

1. Infrastructure Development

All countries implementing E-government have struggled to develop a basic infrastructure to take advantage of new technologies and communications tools. Many developing countries, even if possessing the will, do not have the infrastructure necessary to immediately deploy E-government services

throughout their territory

・ Develop projects that are compatible with the nation’s telecom infrastructure.

・ Use public access kiosks and mobile centers if telecommunication density is low.

・ Introduce telecom competition and lift regulations on wireless and other digital technologies to accelerate their deployment.

・ Build on the microenterprise model to bring connectivity to underserved areas and ensure sustainability.

・ Consider the government’s current use of technology and learn from past successes and failures.

・ Establish an action framework at the beginning of the process to allow for a rational and coordinated investment effort down the road.

2. Law and Public Policy

The application of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) to government may encounter legal or policy barriers. Legislatures must ensure that laws are updated to recognize electronic documents and transactions. Policymakers implementing E-government must consider the impact of law and public policy.

・ Consult with stakeholders to assess how existing laws may impede the desired results.

・ Give legal status to online publication of government information.

・ Clarify laws and regulations to allow electronic filings with government agencies.

・ Reform processes by simplifying regulations and procedures.

3. Digital Divide

The digital divide is the gap between people who have access to the Internet and those who do not. Those without access cannot learn essential computer skills, cannot access information that can provide economic opportunities, and cannot share in the benefits of E-government.

・ Provide communal access through village computer centers or kiosks.

・ Combine access with training.

・ Provide incentives to the private sector to donate equipment and training.

・ Emphasize local language and content tailored to different communities.

・ Use for-profit entrepreneurs to build and sustain access points in small communities.

4. E-Literacy

E-Literacy refers to marginalized groups who are unable to make use of information and communication technologies because they are not computer literate. With the digital revolution there is a very real danger that the world will be divided into the “information rich” and the “information poor”. E-government has the potential of either equalizing access to government and its services or increasing the barriers to participation.

・ Ensure that content is in local languages and that interfaces are easy to use.

・ Develop applications that use speech or pictures in addition to, or instead of, written text.

・ Include an educational component in E-government projects.

・ Provide aides at access points who can train citizens in basic computer skills.

・ Create programs that include traditional media, like radio programs or newspaper columns, where citizens can learn about E-government.

・ Special attention should be given to groups difficult to integrate (women, elderly, immigrants).

5. Accessibility

Governments must serve all members of society irrespective of their physical capabilities (disabled people: those who are blind, deaf or otherwise handicapped). Online services will have to be designed with appropriate interfaces.

・ From the outset, design applications that accommodate the disabled, such as an audio option for the blind.

・ Establish as a legal requirement that the government must adopt technology to assist the disabled.

・ Set performance criteria and measure progress

6. Trust

To be successful, E-government projects must build

trust within agencies, between agencies, across

governments, and with businesses, NGOs and citizens

・ Map key internal and external partners and build a strategy to keep open lines of communications.

・ Start with short-term projects that yield early results. This helps build trust and could help point to areas for larger scale ventures.

・ Strong leadership can help build confidence in programs.

7. Privacy

Governments must be responsible custodians

Of the enormous amounts of personal information they hold. Governments collect vast quantities of data on their citizens through everyday transactions. Protecting the privacy of citizens’ personal information stored on these databases while making effective use of the information contained in them is a vitally important issue.

・ Educate and train government officials on the importance of privacy.

・ Design applications that integrate privacy protections.

・ Follow “fair information practices”. Minimize the collection and retention of personal information.

・ Limit access to personally identifiable information―do not automatically allow employees to tap into databases of personally identifiable information.