

Accepting life with cancer

Accepting the fact that they have cancer

Accepting the naturalness of having cancer

Maintaining activities of daily living without feeling shackled by cancer

Exploring ways of reducing fixation on the disease

Improving the non-patient aspects of life in a healthy way

Maintaining a take-it-easy attitude

Continuing to be themselves as before

Reconsidering how to continue being themselves in daily life until life comes to an end

Changing their lifestyle as a preparation for getting older

Envisioning a future beyond treatment

Weighing life and medical expenses

Using trial and error to integrate treatment and daily living

Trusting and complying with the information given by health care providers

Devising ways to protect one’s life from being unduly burdened by side effects

Negotiating with health care providers

Formulating their criteria for continuing treatment

Enduring side effects to the limits of mental and physical capacity

Establishing criteria as to what extent side effects can be tolerated

Continuing treatment when its effects can be felt

Becoming resilient and accepting side effects

Obtaining help from caregivers

Accepting support so treatment can continue

Relying on others to maintain their own lifestyle

Accepting moral support from family and friends