



[Infant’s condition]

Measuring weight; observing movements of infant; noting general condition of infant


[Mother’s condition]

Mental condition; physical condition; life style; ideas about breastfeeding


[Mother-infant relationship]

Position during breastfeeding; latching of infant; mother’s expression


[Child rearing environment]

Relationship with husband, family, and friends; living environment; socio-economic situation



[Mother’s state-of-mind]

Clarifying mother’s troubles


[Identifying necessary support]

Clarifying degree of independence and understanding; identifying information and support necessary for mother and family



[Psychological support]

Providing psychological support for mothers such as approval; listening closely; sympathy; acceptance


[Concrete support]

Providing concrete support when troubled such as coping with failure to lactate; helping underweight infants to gain weight


[Breastfeeding on demand]

Helping mothers to breastfeed whenever they or their infant require it


[Necessary information]

Providing information such as Benefits of breastfeeding; method of breastfeeding; breast care and promoting breast milk to the mother and family


[Advice to supporters]

Advice to supporters such as the husband, family, and friends on providing appropriate mental support to mothers doing breastfeeding


[Introducing services]

Introducing services such as facilities and home visit services providing breast care whenever the mother needs them



[Breastfeeding-friendly environment]

Making a local directory of child care services; establishing public breastfeeding facilities; encouraging working mothers to continue breastfeeding; raising awareness about breastfeeding friendly environments


[Breastfeeding support groups]

Forming a peer group to help mothers experiencing troubled with breastfeeding and Introducing breastfeeding support group to mother


[Cooperation with relevant organization]

Sharing information and cooperating with relevant medical institutes and midwives