Name of Attacks | Description |
Heading Eavesdropping | The attacker listens to information sent via the protocol. |
Modification | The attacker changes the information sent via the protocol |
Replay | The attacker records information sent in the protocol and forwards it to the same or a different party during protocol runs. |
Replay | The attacker involves in the run of a protocol earlier to a run by the legitimate parties. |
Reflection | The attacker sends protocol messages back to the party who sent them. |
Denial of Service | The attacker prevents legitimate parties from finalizing the protocol. |
Cryptanalysis | The attacker gets some useful control from the protocol to help in cryptanalysis. |
Certificate Manipulation | The attacker picks or alters certificate information to attack one or more protocol runs. |
Protocol Interaction | The attacker selects a new protocol to interact with a well-known protocol. |