Name of sector

Agriculture Fixed Capital Formation in Taiwan from COA

Misc. Horticulture Crop

Based on the historical growth rate of capital formation for land improvement and orchard development in the national income statistics.


It is estimated based on the amount of breeding stock and dairy cattle in the national income statistics, and the proportion of hogs to the fixed capital formation of all livestock in the input-output table in 2011 and 2016.

Misc. Livestock

It is estimated based on the amount of breeding stock and dairy cattle in the national income statistics, and the proportion of misc. livestock to the fixed capital formation of all livestock in the input-output table in 2011 and 2016.


It is estimated based on the historical growth rate of capital formation and afforestation by the Agricultural Commission.

Misc. Special Machinery

1) Agricultural and livestock industry machinery and equipment

2) Forestry logging machinery and equipment

3) Forestry other machines and equipment

4) Other machines and equipment for fishing

5) Agricultural products, marketing and other agricultural products processing and storage machinery and equipment


1) Farming and transportation vehicles

2) Forestry transportation vehicles

3) Fishery land transportation vehicles

4) Agricultural transportation and transportation vehicles

Ship Build

1) Fishing vessel construction and repair transport equipment

2) Fishing boat mechanized operation equipment


Residence Build

1) Non-residential housing for agriculture and livestock

2) Farm and livestock farm equipment

3) Agricultural products, rice and fertilizer warehouse

4) Agricultural product distribution and sales yard expansion and consignment equipment

5) Agricultural fruit and vegetable wholesale market and equipment

6) Agricultural meat wholesale market and equipment

7) Agricultural fish wholesale market and equipment

8) Slaughterhouse and its equipment

Public Work

1) Flood control irrigation

2) Farmland cultivation and improvement

3) Construction and fish conservation

4) Construction of fishing port and onshore equipment

Misc. Construction

1) Forest Road Construction and Maintenance

2) Forest protection equipment

3) Forest amusement equipment