
“Delegate” strategy



A4. Ms. Johnson should tell Robert that she will have to check with the principal to see if it is ok for a teacher to have coffee with the student because it is really up to the principal.




Β7. Mr. Brown should end the conversation and ask the assistant principal to deal with the situation.




C2. Mr. Miller should tell the student’s mother that she should talk to the principal and try to have her son placed into a different English class.




D5. Ms. Wilson should tell Susan’s father that she can put him in touch with the assistant principal who can field his concerns.




E7. Mr. Moore should send William to the principal.




F1. Ms. Thomas should send them all to the assistant principal’s office.




G4. Mr. Jackson should ask a colleague to advocate for him.




H6. Ms. Martin should ask a trusted colleague to speak to the principal on her behalf.




I2. Mr. Robinson should get the assistant principal or another administrator to break up the fight.




J6. Ms. Young should tell Dennis that she will have to ask her husband first because she already made plans with him, so it is really his call.




Items’ Measurement Errors Correlations

B7-A4 .150

F1-E7 .209

J6-E7 −.155

H6-G4 .288