Independent variables

Authors names

Tool’s name


Background characteristics

The demographic and work variables were measured using a questionnaire created specifically for the purposes of the current study

Social support

Zimmet, Dahlin, Zimmet, & Farley, (1988)

MSPSS—The multidimensional scale of perceived social support

12 items, 1 - 7

reliability = 0.88 Cronbach’s alpha

Sense of Mastery

Pearlin, Managhan, Lieberman, & Mullan (1981)

The scale of sense of mastery

7 items, 1 - 5

reliability = 0.81 Cronbach’s alpha


Rosenberg Scale of Self-esteem (1965)

Rosenberg Scale of Self-esteem

10 items, 1 - 5

reliability = between 0.81 and 0.90 Cronbach’s alpha

Coping strategies

Carver, Scheier & Weintraub (1989)

18 items, 1 - 5

reliability = 86 (problem-focused), 0.83 emotion-focused) respectively Cronbach’s alpha.

Dependent variables

Post-traumatic symptoms

Foa, Riggs, Dancu & Rothbaum (1993)

The PTS symptoms Scale-Self-Report (PTSSS-SR)

17 items, 0 - 3

reliability = 0.90 Cronbach’s alpha

Death anxiety

Carmel and Mutran (1997)

6 items, 1 - 5

reliability = 0.90 Cronbach’s alpha 0.80