
Narcissistic Personality Inventory-16 (NPI-16)

Ames, Rose, & Anderson (2006).


1) Narcissism- consistent

2) Narcissism- inconsistent.

α = .72; mean inter-item correlation =.13—Ames, Rose, & Anderson (2006).

Divergent validity: Narcissism was not significantly correlated with dispositionism.

Convergent validity: Men scored higher in narcissism than women.

Predictive validity: Narcissi was significantly and positively correlated with participants’ estimates of their own relative performance in a judgment task— Ames, Rose, & Anderson (2006).

Narcissistic Personality Inventory-40 (NPI-40).

Raskin & Terry (1988)


1) Authority

2) Exhibitionism

3) Superiority

4) Entitlement

5) Exploitativeness

6) Self-sufficiency

7) Vanity.

In Raskin & Terry (1988), alpha composite reliability scores of .83, .74, .80, and .90 were calculated.

Construct validity: In order to investigate the validity of the seven NPI component scales, we correlated them with the IPAR criterion variables. In the observer domain, five of the seven component scales showed significant positive correlations with the Trait Ranking for Narcissism. These correlations were Authority (r = .44, p < .001), Exhibitionism (r = .42, p < .001), Self- Sufficiency (r = .34, p < .01), Exploitativeness (r = .28, p < .05), and Superiority (r = .24, p < .05) —Raskin & Terry (1988).

Narcissistic Personality Inventory

Raskin & Hall, 1979

54 (each item being a pair of statements)

1) Leadership/ Authority (LA)

2) Superiority/ Arrogance (SA)

3) Self-Absorption /Self-Admiration (SS)

4) Exploitiveness /Entitlement (EE)

The reliability and validity of the NPI has been established in clinical (e.g., Priftera & Ryan, 1984) and non-clinical samples (Emmons, 1984; Raskin & Hall, 1981).

The Margolis- Thomas Measure of Narcissism (M-T)

Margolis & Thomas, 1980

60 paired statements

Validity evidence includes the successful differentiation between narcissistic and normal adolescents (t = 3.93; p < .001)—Mullins & Kopelman (1988).

The Margolis- Thomas Measure of Narcissism Short Verson

Mullins & Kopelman,



An acceptable level of reliability (.69) was obtained using the abbreviated scale—Mullins & Kopelman (1988).

The Narcissistic Personality Disorder Scale (NPDS)

Ashby, Lee, & Duke, 1979


item true-

false scale

Ashby (1978) reported an alpha coefficient of reliability of .81.

Solomon (1982)—confirms the validity of the MMPI and are consistent with O. Kernberg’s (1976) emphasis on the impoverishment of object relations in the dynamics of narcissistic personalities and with H. Kohut’s (1971, 1976) view of nightmares as a reflection of self-feeling, self-state, or level of narcissistic development.