1) Achieve extensive understanding of local and regional settings to be affected

a—Identify and describe interested and affected stakeholders and other parties

b—Develop baseline information of local and regional communities

2) Focus on key elements of human environment

a—Identify the key social and cultural aspects related to the action or policy from the community and stakeholder profiles

b—Select social and cultural variables that measure and explain the issues identified

3) Identify methodologies of research, hypothesis and relevances

a—Methodologies must have holistic scope, i.e., they must describe all aspects of the social impacts related to intervention or politics

b—Methodologies must describe cumulative social effects related to intervention or politics

c—To ensure that methodologies and forecasts are clear and replicable

d—To select manners and level of data collect analysis appropriate for the importance of the intervention or politics

4) Provide quality information for use in decision-making

a—To collect information, whether quantitative and qualitative, about social, economic and cultural aspects which are sufficient and useful to describe and rationally analyze the alternatives for the intervention.

b—To ensure that the data collection, methodologies and analysis models are scientifically robust

c—To ensure the integrity of the collected information

5) To ensure that any subject related to the environmental justice is fully described and analyzed

a—To ensure that the research methods, data and analysis consider population and underrepresented vulnerable actors

b—To consider the distribution of all impacts (whether they are social, economic, air quality, noise or potential health effect) in different social groups, including ethnic and racial and migratory groups

6) To undertake assessment/monitoring and mitigation

a—To establish assessment mechanisms and monitoring of interventions, politics or programs

b—Where the impact mitigation is required, provide planning and mechanism to ensure the mitigation efficiency.

c—Identification of gaps in data and planning for the fulfillment of required data