
Accompaniment of the created song with rhythmical instruments

Sings the created melody, accompanying it with a rhythmical instrument, and encourages children to creatively accompany their own melodies as well.

Pick rhythmical instruments and use them to accompany themselves, while they are making up a melody to a familiar text.


Recording creative singing and playing

Encourages children to record his/her invention and then also their own inventions.

Participate in the process of recording and creating.


Listening to/viewing and evaluation of the recordings

Plays the recordings, evaluating the inventions together with children and expressing admiration and positive attitude towards creating.

Listen to or watch the recordings and take part in evaluating the inventions.


Expressing experiences and ideas with creative communication through movement, art and words

Invites children to listen to their creations again and express what they experience with words, art or movement.

Listen to songs, expressing their experiencing through words, art or movement.