Correct expression

Wrong expression

Error causes

consider | 考[kăo]虑[lǜ]

考[kăo]虚[xū], 考[kăo]虎[hǔ]

Mistakes due to similar glyphs, misunderstanding of meaning

consider |考[kăo]虑[lǜ]


Mistakes due to similar glyphs and the same pronunciation, misunderstanding of meaning

impression |印[yìn]象[xiàng]

印[yìn]像[xiàng], 印[yìn]相[xiàng],

印[yìn]响[xiăng], 影[yǐng]像[xiàng],

影[yǐng]想[xiăng], 影[yǐng]响[xiăng],

影[yǐng]象[xiàng], 应[yǐng]向[xiàng],


Mistakes due to similar glyphs or the same or similar pronunciation, misunderstanding of meaning

impression |印[yìn]象[xiàng]

印[yìn]影[yǐng], 形[xíng]相[xiàng]

Misunderstanding of meaning

imagine |想[xiìng]象[xiàng]

想[xiăng]像[xiàng], 想[xiăng]相[xiàng],

想[xiăng]想[xiăng], 想[xiăng]向[xiàng]

Mistakes due to similar glyphs or the same or similar pronunciation

already | 已[yǐ] 经[jīng]

己[jǐ]经[jīng], 巳[sì]经[jīng],

之[zhī]经[jīng], 巴[bā]经[jīng]

Mistakes due to similar glyphs

already |已[yǐ] 经[jīng]

以[yǐ_]经[jīng], 乙[yǐ]经[jīng],


Mistakes due to similar glyphs or the same or similar pronunciation