Criteria for the Histological Diagnosis |
· Non-solid variant of PTC · ≤10% of the tumor showed tall/columnar cell or diffuse sclerosing features · Loss of polarity/cohesiveness with hobnail features in ≥ 30% of tumor cells · PTC features are present showing papillary and micro papillary structures in the histopathologic smears · High magnification shows nuclear pleomorphism, occasionally pseudo-inclusions with multiple soap bubble-like inclusions, and possibly mitotic figures · Along with the PTC cellular findings HPTC can show papillary and micro papillary structures closely linked by cells containing eosinophilic cytoplasm and apically located nuclei with prominent nucleoli · The cells that line these complex papillary structures have increased nuclear to cytoplasmic ratios and apically placed nuclei that produce a surface bulge (hobnail) |