
Percent of female head households

A Higher proportion of female members increases vulnerability.

Percentage of households where head of the household has not attended school

A Higher percentage of households has not attended school, and not owned Radio increase vulnerability.

Percent of households do not own Radio

Age of the household head


Dependency ratio

Higher dependency ratio increases vulnerability.

Inverse of Percent of households attended agricultural training

A Higher proportion of households attended training reduce vulnerability, but here an inverse is considered.

Social Networks

Percent of households that have not gone to local government for assistance

A Higher proportion of households do not go to the government for assistance, borrowed money, do not help others, and receive help from others increase vulnerability.

Percent of households borrowed money through social networks

Percent of households do not help others

Percent of households who received help from others.

Inverse of Membership in social group

More memberships in social groups reduce vulnerability but here an inverse is considered.

Natural Disaster and Climate Variability

Average number of floods and drought over the past 20 years

Higher the incidence of natural disasters, higher is the vulnerability

Percent of households that didn’t receive a warning about natural disasters

The higher proportion of households does not receive warning system the higher the vulnerability.

Percent of households whose family members injured or died because of climate change

Higher prop oration of households affected by climate change the higher the vulnerability.

Mean standard deviation of Monthly Avg. max.

temperature (1991-2015)

Increasing temperature increase vulnerability.

Mean std. deviation of monthly Avg. minimum

temperature (1991-2015)

Increasing temperature increase vulnerability.

Mean std. dev. of monthly Avg. Precipitation (1919-2015)

Decreasing precipitation increase vulnerability.