Variable | Definition | Source |
Endogenous variables | ||
GPOP | Growth in population density by county | EBA |
GEMP | Growth in employment density by county | EBA |
GPCI | Growth in per capita income by county | C&CDB |
GRE | Growth in number of retail establishments (density) by county | SUSB |
Initial conditions | ||
POPBASE | County population density in 2000 | USCB |
EMPBASE | County employment density in 2000 | EBA |
PCIBASE | County per capita income in 2000 | C&CDB |
REBASE | County retail establishment density in 2000 | USBS |
Accessibility variables | ||
| Metropolitan counties, dummy variable = 1, 0 otherwise | ERS |
METROADJ | Counties adjacent to metro areas, dummy variable 0, 1 otherwise | ERS |
ROADDEN | Interstate road density | NRAC |
Economic variables | ||
NFIRMS | Density of number of firms by county | USBS |
PCITAX | Per capita income tax | C&CDB |
PTAX | Property tax on business | USCB |
POVERTY | Percent of families below poverty line | USCB |
CMHV | County’s median housing value | C&CDB |
EGOV | Per capita government expenditure | C&CDB |
PHP | Density of housing permits | C&CDB |
CBSI | Density of banking and saving institutions | C&CDB |
Socio-demographic variables | ||
RETIRE | Percent of population above 65 | C&CDB |
NONWTE | Percent non-white population | C&CDB |
OPERATIVE | Percentage of population between 16 and 64 | C&CDB |
COLLD | Percentage of population 25 years and older with college degree | C&CDB |
CRIME | Serious crime rate (felony, violent crimes, etc.) | C&CD |