Variables | Frequency | Percentage (%) |
Maternal age (years) >40 30 - 40 20 - 30 <20 |
4 25 17 3 |
8.2 51.1 34.6 6.1 |
Maternal acid supplementation Before pregnancy During pregnancy |
00 44 |
00 89.1 |
Maternanl socio-economic status Lower class Middle class Upper class |
35 10 4 |
71.4 20.4 8.2 |
Type of encephalocele Meningocele Meningo encephalocele |
1 2 |
33.3 66.7 |
Type of spina bifida Meningoce Myeomeningocele lipomeningocele |
8 37 1 |
17.5 80.3 2.2 |
Nature of spina bifida Ruptured Un ruptured |
24 22 |
52.2 47.8 |
Site of lesion Thoraco lumbar Lumbar Lumbo sacral sacral |
2 19 22 3 |
4.3 41.3 47.8 6.6 |
Size of lesion Greater than 15 cm 10 - 15 cm 5 - 10 cm Less than 5 cm |
1 15 31 2 |
2.1 30.5 63.1 4.3 |
Associated neurological deficit Urinary and fecal deficit Lower limb motor an sensory deficit |
30 32 |
61.2 65.3 |