No. | Date | Project Profilesa | ||
| Title | Institution/Funding | Status |
(1) | 2003-2010 | Artisanal Fisheries Development Project (Focus: Official Quality Control in the Artisanal Fisheries Sector―Infrastructure) | African Development Bank and Government of Sierra Leone. The total amount disbursed at PC was ADF Loan: 8,996,878,000 Unit of Account (UA); GoSL 701209.75 UA | Project completed. Overall evaluation rating: 3 [Good―despite a few shortcomings]; Four fish receiving centres built on coast (landings and post-harvest infrastructure)―not in use at present; capacity building and research; credit facilities; |
(2) | 2007-2011 | Institutional Support and Fisheries Management Project (Focus: Fisheries Resource Assessment) | European Union Euro 3 million | Project completed. Improved knowledge and status of some stocks achieved, although studies of important inshore stocks (shrimp and small pelagics) were deficient; |
(3) | 2011-2016 | West African Regional Fisheries Programme in Sierra Leone (Focus: Resource Governance, Reduction of Illegal Fishing and Official Quality Control & Value Addition) | World Bank US $28 million (loan) | Project suspended in 2014 in Sierra Leone. Key activities to date: Canoe registration scheme and co-management initiatives; MCS system established and operational; preparations for harbour development; |
(4) | 2009 | Modernising Sierra Leone’s Fisheries Legal Framework (Focus: Legal review) | FAO-TCP US $600,000 | Project completed Analysis and review of legal framework and production of a new draft Fisheries Bill (awaiting approval) |
(5) | 2012-2014 | West African Pilot Project (WAPP) in Sierra Leone. (Focus: Legal and Policy Reform) | NEPAD US $1.4 million | Project completed Analysis of legal framework; advice on new Fisheries Bill; collaboration in developing fisheries management system; design of five year plan for fisheries development. |
(6) | 2007-2012 | The West African Quality Programme. (Focus: Strengthen enterprise competiveness, compliance with international trade rules and technical regulations) | European Union Euro 8 million (sub-regional) | Project completed: Attempted to ensure product certification, standards and accreditation. However, fish products remain unacceptable to the EU market. |
(7) | 2012 | The Precon experiment (Focus: Effect official controls) | MFMR/GoSL US $600,000 (initial support) | On-going To develop strategies to enable access to EU fish market |
(8) | 2011-2015 | Technical Capacity Building in Fishing and Seafood Processing Technology Project in Sierra Leone (Focus: Develop national human resource capacity in fishery sector to manage for optimum revenue generation and sustainability) | Russian Federation Implemented by UNIDO and MFMR US $1.47 million | Completed Training in various specialties at middle-level under the supervision of the University of Sierra Leone |