Simulation | The Sims | English | Vocabulary | 9 (16+; intermediate) | Mixed Method: Experimental
Intervention: Four 55 minute sessions | Pre-test Post-test Weekly quizzes Post-project Survey (open-ended and Likert scale questions) | (+) Analysis of pre- and post-test scores indicated the statistically significant (paired-samples t-test: 0.05) increase of vocabulary by 14%. Students with mandatory materials outperformed (8.56 ± 1.33) learners with optional (5.78 ± 2.22) and no materials (6.89 ± 1.96); students found supplemental materials helpful (3.7 ± 0.5). Students reported that gaming experience was enjoyable (4±0.5) but it was not easy to play the game (3.4 ± 1). (−) One-way ANOVA established statistically significant difference only between students who had mandatory and optional supplemental materials (MD = 2.78, p = 0.01); students reported slightly disagreement that they could play the game without supplemental materials (2.6 ± 1.3). | Ranalli (2008) |
The Sims | English | Vocabulary | 3 (M; 25.6; beginner) | Mixed-Method: Case Study
Intervention: 4.5 hours per week during two months | Observations of a game play Semi-structured interviews Self-report checklist Pre-test Post-tests Vocabulary lists | (+) Participants independently acquired over 120 words; increased mark for participant 1 was 33.33, for participant 2 - 30.00, and for participant 3 - 23.33. The lack of both teacher’s control and rigid syllabus as well as a stress-free gaming environment facilitated the autonomous learning and development of personal learning strategies. | Bakar & Nosratirad (2013) | |
Adventure | Sid Meier’s Pirates | English | Vocabulary Listening Reading | 15 (16+) | Qualitative: Case Study
Intervention: Over 10 hours | Reflection paper | (+) Participants enhanced vocabulary, listening, and reading. (−) Difficult vocabulary; scaffolding support was required | Chen & Huang (2010) |
Telltale Sam & Max | ||||||||
Bone | English | Vocabulary Listening Reading Writing Speaking | 35 (M12/F23; 19; intermediate) | Quantitative: Case Study
Intervention: N/A | Self-report Survey questionnaire (open ended and Likert scale questions) | (+) 11 participants reported that game helped with the vocabulary enhancement (3.83 ± 0.80), 18 listening (3.69 ± 0.60), and 16 reading (4.14 ± 0.52). (−) Difficult game missions and game language; the lack of game mechanics control; no/less gains in speaking (3.00 ± 0.85) and writing (3.10± 0.72). | Chen & Yang (2011) | |
Bone | English | Vocabulary | 22 (M3/F19; 19; intermediate) | Quantitative: Experimental
Intervention: Two hours | Pre-test Post-test | (+) Two paired-samples t-tests revealed statistically significant difference between vocabulary pre- and post-tests in both groups; the post-test scores of note taking group was higher (6.27 ± 3.07) compared to the pre-test (4.27 ± 3.13). The group without note taking performed better on the post-test (5.91 ± 1.51) compared to the pre-test (4.09 ± 1.38). (−) No significant difference between groups in vocabulary gains: t(20) = −0.99, p = 0.746, 95% [−0.134, 0.97]. | Chen & Yang (2013) |