First variables | Secondary variables | Tertiary variables |
Education & Teaching | Teaching | Explain: Explain knowledge Present: Presentation and clarification Enlighten: Enlighten on children’s thoughts Listen to Qs: Listen to children’s questions about relevant knowledge Listen to As: Listen to children’s answers about relevant knowledge Listen to expressions: Listen to children’s expression of their ideas Listen to requests: Listen to children’s requests of relevant presentations |
Instruct/Require for practices | Encourage: Encourage children to continue when encountering difficulties Help/Explain/Suggest: Help children, explain what they do not understand, propose suggestions for improvement Listen to statements: Listen to children’s statements of difficulties in activities and put forward requests Instruct/Require practices: Instruct children to answer Qs with operations and continue activities as required Provide activity choices: Provide more than two activity choices for children | |
Evaluation/ Feedback on results of activities | General praise: Make good judgment only on the results Specific praise: Point out the details worth praising General disapproval: Make negative judgment on the results Specific disapproval: Point out the negative details | |
Participation into children’s activities | No participation Observation and monitoring Temporary intervention General instructions and teaching Complete participation |
Daily behavior management | Give Instructions | Give instructions Listen to children’s response to instructions |
Require for silence | Require children keep quiet Pay attention to and intervene or prevent children’s some behaviors | |
Propose rules | Propose rules Listen to children’s sayings about relevant behavioral rules | |
Solve individual’s questions | Listen to children’ Approve the requests Refuse the requests Solve disputes Listen to children’s statement about relevant disputes | |
Evaluation and feedback on behaviors | General positive feedback Specific positive feedback General negative feedback Specific negative feedback Listen to children’s saying about relevant behavioral evaluation | |
Observation & Monitoring | Observations with records: Record children’s behaviors over observations Accompanying monitoring: Same with children’ activities without any exchanges General inspection: No participation into Activities after giving the instructions but only observe children’s operational behaviors |
Custody & Emotional Expression | Expression of friendly emotions Comfort & protection Expression of negative emotions |
Teachers’ daily activities | Transitional behaviors Prepare teaching lessons Arrange and tidy the environment Hand out materials Take care of children’s life |
Personal activities: Activities irrelevant to children |