
Attachment (origin)

Attachment (insertion)



Anterior: superior pubic ramus and tendinous arch of pelvic fascia

Posterior: coccyx; anococcygeal ligament

Elevates pelvic floor; supports pelvic organs; moves rectum, vagina/prostate, urethra forward


Anterior: medial fibers of pubo-coccygeus

Posterior: sides and back of vagina; perineal body

Supports vagina; pulls vagina forward; vaginal sphincter

Levator Prostate

Anterior: medial fibers of pubo-coccygeus

Posterior: sides and back of prostate; perineal body

Support prostate, pulls prostate up and forward


Anterior: thick medial band of fibers of pubo-coccygeus

Posterior: forms muscular sling with opposite side puborectalis at posterior anorectal junction

Elevates anorectal junction and holds junction anteriorly; sphincter action on rectum


Lateral: tendinous arch of the levator ani from upper obturator internus fascia; ischial spine

Medial and posterior: blends with fibers of the middle and posterior pubococcygeus; anococcygeal ligament; coccyx

Elevates pelvic floor; supports pelvic organs; moves vagina, prostate, urethra forward


Lateral: ischial spine; sacrospinous ligament

Medial: lower sacral and upper coccyx segments

Stabilizes coccyx; supports levator ani

Compressor Urethrae

Female & Male: inferior pubic ramus

Female & Male: covers external urethral sphincter

Female & Male: urethral closure

Urethral Vaginal Sphincter


Covers urethra anteriorly

Urethral and vaginal closure

External Anal Sphincter

Female & Male: Anterior: Perineal body

Female & Male: Posterior: anococcygeal ligament (raphe)

Female & Male: voluntary closure of the anus

Obturator Internus

Pelvic side of obturator foramen

Medial greater trochanter

Fascia forms the tendinous arch of the levator ani; supports pelvic diaphragm; external rotation of the femur


Ventral sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament

Superior aspect of the greater trochanter of the femur

Moves sacrum forward; external rotation of the femur with hip extended; internal rotation of the femur with the hip flexed greater than 90 degrees