
78% (30 - 59); 40% (45 - 59); 38% (30 - 44)


96% female; 4% male

Time of use

92% (3 months - 2 yrs); 43% (4 months - 1 yr.); 23% (1 - 2 yrs.)

Frequency of use per week

69% (1 - 4 X/wk); 35% (3 - 4 X/wk); 34% (1 - 2 X/wk)

% able to do traditional squats before using DB Method

56% could; 44% could not

Top 7 reason users could not do traditional squats in rank order with the most common

1) Knee pain (35%); 2) confusion about proper squat form (16%); 3) fear of injury (14%); 4) balance problems (12%); 5) back pain (12%); 6) hip pain (11%); 7) lower limb weakness (11%)

% describing improvement in gluteal muscle strength

85% Yes; 15% No

% describing improvement in gluteal region shape

82% Yes; 18% No

% describing an increase in overall lower body strength

84% Yes; 16% No

% describing an increase in core strength

75% Yes; 25% No

% describing an increases in pelvic muscle floor strength

70% Yes; 305 No

% describing a change in urinary incontinence

15% Lessened; 4% stopped; 20% unchanged; 60% Not App.

% describing improvement in overall activity level and enjoyment

82% Yes; 18% No

% describing an increase in energy

71% Yes; 29% No

% describing an improved mental health attitude

49% Yes; 33% unchanged; 17% Not App.; 1% declined

% describing changes in their sex life

21% Improved; 2% declined; 43% unchanged; 34% Not App.

% recommending the DB method

99% Yes; 1% No