Author | Age (y)/sex | Type | Location | Clinical findings | Radiologic findings |
Giunta and Kaplan 1990 [11] | 5/F | Compound | Post palatal gingiva | Early rapid growth face, presumed a periodontal abscess | No radiographic appearance |
Giunta and Kaplan 1990 [11] | 21/M | Compound | Gingiva post mandible | Firm, asymptomatic mass | Diagnosed radiographically in its mature phase |
Castro et al. 1994 [12] | 6/M | Compound | Upper labial gingiva | Dome-shaped, gingival mass. Pink, firm and asymptomatic. Surface ulceration present | No apparent pathology |
Ledesma-Montes et al. 1996 [10] | 3/F | Compound | Lingual gingiva mandible | Slow growing, asymptomatic tumour between lower left primary canine and first molar | Nothing remarkable noted |
Ide et al. 2000 [15] | 39/M | Compound | Upper labial gingiva | Firm gingival, extraosseous mass | Dense radiopaque mass, no evidence of intraosseous lesion |
Kintarak et al. 2006 [4] | 13/F | Compound | Palatal region | Slow growing, asymptomatic mass between maxillary right central incisor and lateral incisor | No obvious pathology |
Bernardes et al. 2008 [16] | 12/M | Compound | Upper labial gingiva | Asymptomatic, slightly reddish, firm 4 mm diameter nodule | Not reported |
Ide et al. 2008 [8] | 7/F | Peripheral developing odontoma | Ant mandible | A gingival nodule with a dimension of 8 mm | Tiny radiopaque mass on the cervical area of lateral incisor |
Silva et al. 2009 [14] | 8 months/M | Peripheral developing odontoma | Palatal region | Slow growing, asymptomatic congenital nodule | Not reported |
Silva et al. 2009 [14] | 5 months/M | Peripheral developing odontoma | Palatal region | Asymptomatic, firm nodule | Not reported |
Friedrich et al. 2010 [9] | 3/M | Peripheral developing odontoma | Palatal region | Asymptomatic, small, firm protrusion | Small radiopaque, extraosseous deposits |
Hanemann et al. 2013 [18] | 15/F | Compound | Upper labial gingiva | Six small tooth-like structures in the ant left gingiva of the maxilla | Irregular tooth structures composed of crown, root and pulp without bone involvement |
Koneru et al. 2014 [13] | 15/M | Complex | Labial gingiva ant maxilla | Slow growing, asymptomatic two tiny white nodular masses | No underlying bone resorption and no intra-osseous involvement |
Johannsson et al. 2017 | 11/M | Complex | Labial gingiva ant mandible | Fibrous mass in the labial marginal gingiva | Slight radiopaque, demarcated mass in area of lower right lateral incisor |