Outcome indicators


Calculating formula = numerator/denominator


Amplification of the meal intake function 1

Ratio of residents whose feeding was improved from “tube feeding only” to “tube feeding with oral feeding” per 100 residents concerned

= Number of residents who can take even one bite by tube feeding from tube feeding only/Total number of residents requiring tube feeding × 100


Amplification of the meal intake function 2

Ratio of residents whose feeding was improved from “requiring full meal-time assistance” to “partial meal-time assistance” per 100 residents concerned

= Number of residents improved from requiring full assistance to partial assistance at meal-time/Total number of residents requiring meal-time assistance × 100


Amplification of the meal intake function 3

Ratio of residents whose feeding was improved from “requiring partial meal-time assistance requirement” to “meal-time attention” per 100 residents concerned

= Number of residents improved from requiring partial assistance to attention at meal-time/Total number of residents requiring meal-time assistance × 100


Occurrence of ingestion and swallowing accidents

Number of accidental cases about ingestion and swallowing per 1000 residents concerned during one year

= Number of accidental cases about ingestion and swallowing/Total number of residents who is able to take oral × 1000


Occurrence of problems with tube feeding and after gastrostomy

Number of trouble cases about tube feeding and after gastrostomy per 1000 residents concerned during one year

= Number of trouble cases about tube feeding and after gastrostomy/Total number of residents requiring tube feeding and gastrostomy × 1000