Mutulei (2013), Kenya

To identify and document factors influencing the intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp2) + uptake

Cross-sectional survey

Personal attributes, quality of services, perceptions about a disease, and health-promoting behaviors

Socio-demographic and economic attributes, knowledge, health education attendance, and perceptions about intervention-standard survey questionnaire (developed by the researcher)

278 pregnant women who were at the 24th week or more of gestation, aged between 15 and 49 years in Kenya

37.2% participants who had obtained less than IPTp2 and 53.5% who accessed IPTp2+ reported receiving support from their partners towards Antenatal Care (ANC) visits, the relationship between the uptake of IPTp services and self-reported risk-perception was not significant, the relationship between the uptake of IPTp and perceived seriousness of malaria infection during pregnancy was not significant, perception about the duration suggesting up to 95% chance that the uptake of IPTp significantly associated with the duration taken at the health facilities before receiving services (P = 0.000), and the attitude of most providers at the ANC facilities 99% chance that the uptake of IPTp significantly associated with perceived attitudes of providers towards pregnant women attending ANC clinics (P = 0.000)

Bhandari, P. and Kim, M. (2014), Korea

To describe and identify the predictors of health-promoting behaviors in Nepalese migrant workers in Korea

Cross-sectional design

Perceived health status, perceived self-efficacy, and health-promoting behaviors

Perceived health status―a single item

Question (n.d), perceived self-efficacy-perceived

health competence scale (Smith, Wallston, & Smith, 1995), and health-promoting behaviors― health-promoting lifestyle profile II (HPLP II) (Walker & Hill-Polerecky,


169 Nepalese immigrants workers in Korea

Spiritual activity was the highest reported health-promoting behavior, whereas physical activity was the least practiced behavior, and self-efficacy was the only significant predictor of health-promoting behavior (B = 0.22, P < 0.05)