ID | Used Technology |
GREEN ET AL. 2010 | Intervention of nursing that makes records of the patients that must be tracked, ensure the process of referral of the treatment and prepare the patients to complete the diagnostic test. |
CHAO, H ET AL. 2013 | Use of acupuncture on the recovery of patients with colorectal neoplasia that were submitted to surgical treatment. |
WAGNER ET AL.,y 2014 | Assistance of differentiated nursing made by professionals that received specific training about time commitment, maximum number of clients to each nurse and an approach to the patient with colorectal neoplasia in psychological suffering during the treatment. |
SARAH K. ROSENBLOOM, 2007 | Execution of periodic evaluations of quality of life of the patients with colorectal neoplasia, followed by structured interviews to advice and discussion about the clinical condition of the client. |