18 | Papastavrou E, Lambrinou E, Tsangari H, Saarikoski M, and Leino-Kilpi H | 2010 | Student nurses experience of learning in the clinical environment. | Quantitative | The methodology and the study focused on general clinical experience |
19 | Papp I, Markkanen M, and von Bonsdorff M | 2003 | Clinical environment as a learning environment: student nurses’ perceptions concerning clinical learning experiences | Qualitative- phenomenology | The study focuses on experiences in the clinical environment and not specifically with mentors |
20 | Pearcey PA. and Elliott BE. | 2004 | Student impressions of clinical nursing | Qualitative | Not specific to mentorship but general clinical experience |
21 | Peirce, A. G. | 1991 | Preceptorial students’ view of their clinical experience | Qualitative | The focus was on general clinical experience |
22 | Prevost M. | 2011 | Mentorship: an appraisal from a student midwife’s perspective |
| The paper is an appraisal |
23 | Saarikoski M., Marrow C., Abreu W., Riklikiene O. and O¨zbicak S. | 2007 | Student nurses’ experience of supervision and Mentorship in clinical practice: A cross cultural perspective | Survey | The paper is more of quantitative than qualitative |
24 | Sharif F. and Masoumi S. | 2005 | A qualitative study of nursing student experiences of clinical practice | Qualitative | Focuses on general clinical experiences |
25 | Suen L.K.P. and Chow F.L.W | 2001 | Students’ perceptions of the effectiveness of mentors in an undergraduate nursing programme in Hong Kong | Qualitative | The focus was on the role of the mentor |
26 | vanEps MA., Cooke M., Creedy DK. And Walker R | 2006 | Student evaluation of a year-long mentorship program: A quality improvement initiative | Evaluation | Methodology |
27 | Wareing M. | 2011 | Workplace mentor support for Foundation degree students: a hermeneutic phenomenological study | Qualitative | Focuses on staff nurses |
28 | Warne T, Johansson U, Papastavrou E, Tichelaar E, Tomietto M, Van den Bossche K, Moreno MF V, and Saarikoski M | 2010 | An exploration of the clinical learning experience of nursing students in nine European countries | Qualitative | Focuses on clinical placement in general and the nurse teacher |
29 | Woodrow Philip | 1994 | Mentorship: perceptions and pitfalls for nursing practice | Not clear | Expert paper |