Instrument used


Questions or categories (examples)



Socio-demographic variables

Structured socio-demographic questionnaire;

Study site, age, gender, ethnicity, educational level attained, socio-economic status (SEI), and religion

Socio-economic index (SEI) was constructed from

commonly available

household items

in a typical Ugandan

households, has

previously been used by this (Kinyanda et al.,

2011 c)

Example of items used to assess SEI; Does your household have electricity?



Has previously

been used by this

study group.

Psychiatric illness and psychosocial factors associated with physical and sexual abuse

Primary diagnosis

Review of patient clinical records by senior mental health worker

Review based on DSM-5 criteria

Question: What is the primary psychiatric diagnoses of this patient? Responses:

1 = Schizophrenia

2 = Bipolar affective disorder

3 = Recurrent Major depressive disorder


Childhood trauma

Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-Short Form (CTQ-SF)

The Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-Short Form (CTQ-SF) is a 28-item questionnaire that assesses childhood trauma experiences.

Example of question items: I got hit so hard by someone in my family that I had to see a doctor or go to the hospital.


1 = Never true

2 = Rarely true

3 = Sometimes true

4 = Often true

5 = Very often true


Social support

Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support

12-item questionnaire on perceptions of support received.

Example of items: There is a special person who is around when I am in need.


1 = Strongly Disagree

2 = Mildly Disagree

3 = Neutral

4 = Mildly Agree

5 = Strongly Agree

Previously employed by this study group.


Dependent Variables

Physical abuse

Obtained from the Uganda modified Life-events and histories module of the European Parasuicide Interview schedule (EPSIS I)

For each of the time periods: past adulthood (between age of 18 years to 12 months before the study); and recent adulthood (in the last 3 months before the interview), respondents were asked to indicate whether they had experienced each of 5-items related to physical victimisation. This was in relation to parent(s), siblings, or others.

Example of items: Ever seriously beaten up or otherwise physically mistreated by those responsible for your upbringing?


1 = Yes 2 = No

Previously adapted to the Ugandan socio-cultural context by this study group.


Sexual abuse

Obtained from the Uganda modified Life-events and histories module of the European Parasuicide Interview schedule (EPSIS I)

For each of the time periods: past adulthood (between age of 18 years to 12 months before the study); and recent adulthood (in the past 3 months before the interview), respondents were asked to indicate whether they had experienced each of 10-items related to sexual victimisation. This was in relation to parent(s), siblings, or others.

Example of items: Did your father or mother ever force you to have sexual intercourse against your will?


1 = Yes 2 = No

Previously adapted to the Ugandan socio-cultural context by this study group.

[42] [44]

Clinical and Behavioral Outcome Variables

Mental health stigma

The Stigma Scale

16-items of the mental health stigma scale were used in this study.

Example of items: I have been discriminated against in education because of my mental health problems

Response: 1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Mildly Disagree 3 = Mildly Agree 4 = Strongly Agree

This tool was used for the first time in this study environment. Had a Cronbach

Alpha of 0.71


Severity of depressive episode

Hamilton depression rating scale (HAM-D)

The HAM-D is designed to rate the severity of depression in patients. It is a 21-item scale.

Example of items used: Depressed mood (Gloomy attitude, pessimism about the future,

feeling of sadness, tendency to weep)


0 = Absent

1 = Sadness, etc.

2 = Occasional weeping

3 = Frequent weeping

4 = Extreme symptoms

This tool was used for the first time by this study group. Had a Cronbach

Alpha of 0.80


Severity of manic episode

Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS)

The YMRS rates the severity of manic symptoms that the patient may be experiencing. It is an 11-item scale. The 4 items of irritability, speech, thought content, and disruptive/aggressive behaviour are rated on a scale of 0 to 8. While the remaining 7 items are rated on a scale of 0 to 4.

Example of items; Elevated mood


0 = Absent

1 = Mildly or possibly increased on questioning

2 = Definite subjective elevation; optimistic, self-confident; cheerful; appropriate to content

3 = Elevated; inappropriate to content; humorous

4 = Euphoric; inappropriate laughter; singing

This tool was used for the first time by this study group. Had a Cronbach

Alpha of 0.71


Severity of psychotic episode

Clinician-rated Dimensions of Psychosis Symptom Severity Scale (CRDPSS)

We assessed five dimensions of psychosis using this scale. These were: hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, abnormal psychomotor behavior, and negative symptoms.

For each item the research assistant (psychiatric nurses/ psychiatric clinical officers) was asked to rate the severity of the symptom as experienced by the respondent during the past 7 days.

Example of items; Hallucinations


0 = not present

1 = Equivocal (severity or duration not sufficient to be considered psychosis)

2 = Present, mild (little pressure to act upon voices, not very bothered by voices)

3 = Present, moderate some pressure to respond to voices, or is somewhat bothered by voices)

This tool was used for the first time by this study group. Had a Cronbach

Alpha of 0.65


4 = Present, severe (severe pressure to respond to voices, or is very bothered by voices)

Risky sexual behaviour

Assessed for high risk sexual behaviours that have been associated with HIV transmission in the Ugandan cultural context

12-items on risky sexual behaviour that have been associated with HIV transmission in the Ugandan socio-cultural context.

Example of items: In the last 3 months, have you had sex with anyone other than your regular partner?


1 = Yes

2 = No

Previously used in the HIV situation of Uganda by this research group.
